Group Creator 🧐 w/Zoom CSV Groups
Creating planned, pre-assigned Zoom breakout groups, especially for larger groups, can be pain. On the surface, uploading a CSV sheet is a simple task. But, could the process and organization of groups be better managed? Problem: Creating pre-assigned groups is time consuming and rigid, especially when creating breakout groups for Zoom. Solution: Group Creator is a Google Add-on that keeps an organized collection of classes and groups. It creates a CSV with a downloadable link and hyperlinks to navigate between the TOC and other sheets. Download: Click Here This is not an approved app, but is safe to run. Feel free to review the script using Tools>Script editor. Hybrid Tip: If you are teaching hybrid (1/2 the class at home and the other at school), consider creating class lists with only the students who are at home, or color code the names for the students based off of their at-home/school rotation. If you use one Zoom for all of your ...